
Thursday, November 6, 2008


We just had our formal lessons with our subjects was really weird because our teacher was like reporting...YEAH! Like a student reporting! We have 2 teachers in 1 subject (WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT) and it was really awkward looking at them teaching us the lesson because one was not speaking a word at all while clicking the mouse, and the other one was discussing while reading his notes! YES! He has NOTES! My God, we were not allowed to bring notes during our reports then they (the teachers) were bringing NOTES! WTF!

I was so DISAPPOINTED! tsk! tsk!


Kat said...

kinsa diay inyong teachers for that subject? by the way, i love that class. but what we had before was web design. i think you'll be learning php and dot nets now.

hehe yeah, teachers are an exemption to that rule. :)

FinLust said...

Sekreto para BiBo! hehehe!

Anonymous said...

sapata bro!^^
naa pud doay ing anang teachers sa SU?

FinLust said...

kaaU! more than what you are thinking...