Last July 7, I was invited to experience the totality of IMAX THEATER and I am so grateful for these heart-melting blessing and to the people behind it. Thank you!
While watching the movie, Avatar, which is one of the best 3D movies I've seen, I have concluded that the 3 elements was indeed a fact:
- The Crystal Clear Image - It was so clear even the smallest of details like ashes are flashed into your eyes!
- Laser-Aligned Digital Sound - No doubt about this! The sound was indeed crispy! It amazes you how a tree sounds when a big truck runs over it.
- Customized Theater Geometry - Maybe this is the reason why I felt that I was in the movie. My eyes was totally focused in the movie not missing any further details about it!
It was just outstanding!
For the benefit of others, the image below shows the TENTATIVE MOVIES that IMAX THEATER will be showing starting on July 2010 - January 2011. This is for Cebu, Iloilo, Davao and Bacolod. Click on the image to view:

(For those who wants to grab this image, please link me in as your source. Thanks!)
It was definitely a one great movietastic night! I hope there will be more. Lol! Hahaha! See photos below for camwhoring session! Again, thank you for the invite and have a great IMAX experience! Try it now before you regret and miss half of your life! Cheers!

(Photos by: Nayki and Doyzkie)

I saw this one the other week when I was in SM Cebu...haha...definitely a good place to watch!
You may want to earn extra, just click my name for opportunities!
@Vir: super duper! Its nice jud...
Nice experince huh!
@Mangyan Adventurer: super duper! It was indubitably awesome!
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